
My links for anything and everything! Social media, other sites, and the resources I use that may help you too!

where to find me

Here's some of my social media links, ranked from most active to least active!


Here are my carrd links! The most important one here is my comms carrd, the intro carrd is just for introducing myself, my social links, and some of my most prominent ocs!


Here's also my site button! Feel free to link me and let me know if you do so I can return the favor :] As much as possible please try to download the button and upload it on your site, rather than hotlinking this button from my site.

animated pizzer button soma button

web neighbors

directories / webrings

Responsive Web Directory Melanated Focus First Directory

friends and other cool sites!

cinnamuff wyrmtunnel ghostingpen rocktype mirrorteru venoshock 00s cvnnbl jasm1nii jadeeverstone jayeaton stormeko snail-legs kalechips myblace Owl's Roost Hexephre sanguineroyal debtdeath cloudydusk


Temporary Animated Button Dump sadgrl ninacti0n vidapon lizardmandan batlam coel dptr corru owlhari superkirbylover wasongo foggybear42 pinkvampyr
Sites with Flashing Lights/Effects

Let me know if I need to change categories!

meyyebs o8archive troy-sucks garudyne r0b1n666 spookoku Blinkies Cafe sunpop


coding stuff

Helpful coding guides and snippets that I used all over this place! I do not remember all of them yet. TBH a lot of it was also google searching for my specific problem and then looking through stack overflow for the answers lmao